Sunday, January 8, 2012


1. Don’t pet a dog immediately. Get acquainted at a distance at first.
2. Don’t stare at a dog. Looking him “right in the eye” tends to make him uneasy and, in fact, offers a challenge.

3. Don’t make sudden movements. Walk or talk calmly and slowly. Don’t raise your voice.

4. Don’t touch a dog while he is asleep or unaware of you. He could wake up in a bad mood like many humans.

5. Don’t tease a strange dog. Even if he appears playful, don’t assume you can scratch him under the chin – it’s too close to his mouth.

6. Don’t bring your dead or face near a dog’s under any circumstances – he might take it out on your nose.

7. Do approach a dog confidently but cautiously. Some of them have a protective attitude toward their owner and their home.

8. Talk to a dog that approaches you. But don’t shake your finger at him. It may look like a wiener.

9. Don’t kick or threaten a dog with anything. Most dogs are friendly unless stirred.

10. Finally, if a dog does bite you, find the owner or have someone help you restrain it until it can be determined if the dog has been vaccinated against rabies.


Special Credit to: Julio F. Silverio

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