Tuesday, January 31, 2012


1. Watch television less. Too much of the tube feeds boredom and restlessness. Set aside evenings away from the television set to go to a movie, play tennis or be with friends.

2. Take a break from your routine. Hire a baby-sitter, for example, and go lunch with friends of yours – or go shopping for bargains. Go out to dinner with your husband.

3. Keep in touch with your friends and relatives. Everybody needs human contact. Invite a neighbor or yours for coffee, or call up a friend whom you haven’t recently heard from.

4. At work, find friends among co-workers and give yourself brakes to chat with them – or invite them to your home for dinner.

5. If you enjoy reading, read more. You’ll find new attitude and new possibilities for your life.

6. Where possible, change your routine. Do your Thursday chores on Wednesday – and vice versa – and while you’re busy at your tasks, listen to music.

7. Give yourself a “private hour” each day to do only what you want – read, re-do your hair, polish your nails or just sit quietly and think.

8. Try to see the funny side of life. Laughter is the best tonic for boredom. The more you laugh, the less bored you’ll be.

9. Upset or change your routine. A leading cause of boredom is sticking to a needlessly humdrum behavior or work pattern. The very routine that promotes comfort and saves you time, effort and money also promotes boredom. Many women allow routine to become their master, instead of their slave. If you go to the market at seven in the morning, why not do it at ten? Let house stay dirty and untidy for one day and go out to see a movie or visit a friend. Make a change – even if it is only the way you comb you hair.

10. Vary our home setting. A home should have an occasional face-lifting and this can be done without any cost. Change the position of the chairs. If you have curtains at the windows, remove them and use plants instead. If you have a porch, serve meals there instead of in the dining room or kitchen.

11. Change your recreation. Recreation or a hobby should be something like to do, not something you fell you ought to do because your husband or hour children or some other people like it.

12. Approach your job creatively. Repetitious chores are not necessarily boring if you keep your mind active while engaged in them. Thus, while you are cleaning and dusting, devise ways and means to do the work better or shorten the time in doing them. We are being creative when we discover something new to us.

13. Watch your appearance. Pride in their personal appearance saves many women form boredom. Keep yourself attractive with a new hair-do (which can create the greatest change in a woman’s appearance), by being always neat and tidy even in old clothes, by doing your best to keep from becoming fat.

14. Relax – don’t be tense. When you are bored, you tendency is to get away from what bores you and unable to do this, you become tense. For example: you have to do the laundry and try to postpone it but you think of the consequences when you fail to wash and iron your husband’s work clothes and the children school clothes, so you force yourself to do the chores. You are tense while working, so you do the job badly or do it in a longer time. Why not just relax and take it easy?

15. Have more family fun. Most mothers who are bored by the task of caring for their small children try to get away from them. The solution is to include children in you fun. Take the baby along when you visit neighbors or relatives. Ask your husband and your children to help you with the household chores. Go out as a family, even if it is only to walk down the street.

16. Cultivate new friendships. You can’t be bored if you are generally interested in other people. When you go to the market, talk with the vendors you do not know. You may “know” all the people in your small town or in your immediate neighborhood, but you do not know what they like or dislike, what they think of this or that. Conversing with them may mean really know them.


Special Credit to: Julio F. Silverio


1. Wear your beekeeping outfit.

2. Learn to walk and move quietly, slowly and gently when near the hive.

3. Make a visit to the hive between 10AM and 2PM when the greatest number of the worker bees are out in the field.

4. Choose a bright sunny day. Bees are often in an ill humor on cool, wet or overcast days; they do not fly in large numbers foraging for nectar but frequently sulk near a hive.

5. Never make a slapping motion at a bee flying near you. This gesture infuriates bees. The offended bee you have threatened may let out a yell of anger that will bring hundreds of other to the scene to her defense.

6. Make sure your clothes and person are free of odors on any kind.

7. Avoid breathing on you bees when you bend over the hive, since the slightest odor may disturb them.

8. Take care not to pinch or injure a bee while manipulating the hive. The entire colony may thing it necessary to rescue her and drive you away.

9. Use your smoker when you anticipate trouble. This will lull and quiet the bees.

10. If you feel calm, your presence is less likely to disturb the bees. Always act as if you do, and set a good example.


Special Credit to: Julio F. Silverio 


1. Continue to widen your interest. Not all of us can go to foreign country but, long before old age, everyone can begin to look forward to learning new things, to pursuing pastimes and developing skills. You can expose yourself to new interests in many ways, such as browsing through library shelves, attending lectures, joining in civic or welfare activities. Inquiry into things that are new to you quickens the mind and heart.

2. Be eager to continue your life. Aging is a process in which most people do more things for the last time, and fewer for the last time and fewer for the first time. Reverse that and you have an antidote for growing old.

3. Be affectionate. Love is one of the most powerful stimulants to a longer, happier life. Human warmth is, of course, not limited to romantic love; devotion to you fellow man serves equally well. The faculty of being genuinely concerned about other enriches any one’s life. The earlier one acquires it, the better fortified he will be for his later years.

4. Don’t let emotions rule you. Giving in to anger is one of our unhealthiest habits. Avoid heated arguments and strong emotional conflicts.

5. Don’t worry. Worry is just a bad emotional habit; like any habit, it can be broken if you make sufficient effort.

6. Make friends easily. As you grow older you must accustom yourself to the loss of lifelong friends and be prepared to make others. To do so, you must have something to offer. You don’t need money; offer whatever is pleasant and useful in you.

7. Have religious faith. Religious counselors agree that the real comfort of faith come but faintly to elderly persons who have previously neglected it. How much richer life is for those whose faith helps them constantly during the stresses and trials of everyday living.


Special Credit to: Julio F. Silverio


 1. Do a better job than is expected of you. One and all, the experts agree that this is the prime essential to advancement. In other words, give more and you’ll get more.

2. Make sure you do the job your boss wants done. As the personnel manager of one large firm says: “You can do the best job in the world, but if it’s not the one your boss wants, he will find it upsetting.”

3. Get along with your fellow workers and other with whom you come in contact. This is very important. Many times people work against themselves in terms of their personality – and, of course, they seldom realize that they’re doing it.

4. Be sure your boss knows what you’re accomplishing. Often when a fellow isn’t appreciated, it’s simply a matter of lack of communication.

5. Be able to make decisions. This, according to the president of a job consultant firm, is a must. “You’d be surprised what a rare trait this is,” he says. “Most people do just what they’re told and pass all the decisions on to the next fellow.”

6. Look for responsibilities beyond your present assignment. The manager of an executive recruiting firm strongly recommends this to young person on the way up. “A young tiger in the accounting department might say to her chief, “If you need any help in the credit union plan, just let me know.” In from five to seven years, this expert predicts, “she’ll be head of the plan.”

7. Study at night and keep well-informed. “It’s also wise,” adds another personnel officer, “to get involved in the community you live in. I don’t mean just joining things, but really contributing your talents to the library, the hospital, and any good fund-raising project that comes along.”

This man’s own superior says, “Someday, somebody will say to you, “Joe, what are they paying you in your company? Well, why don’t you come with us? We can do better than that for you.”

Special Credit to: Julio F. Silverio



1. Be sincere with yourself and with others.

2. Understand your needs and the needs of others.

3. Learn that we are what we are and that we don’t have to keep up with the Joneses.

4. Extend your ability to listen and learn.

5. Constantly build an inner sense of values and adhere to them.

6. Build a state of peacefulness through understanding instead of making mountains of molehills.

7. Look for new horizons, new success and reach out for them.

8. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is maturity. With maturity you will understand humility, and with humility you will be a successful human being. There is no humiliation in humility. It takes time to acquire humility, but it is worth it since it brings hamppiness.

Special Credit to: Julio F. Silverio 



1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before starting to prepare the milk formula.

2. Prepare enough formula for only one feeding at a time when storage facilities are not available.

3. Use sterile feeding bottles and rubber nipples. The bottle should have been boiled 15 minutes, and the rubber nipples for 5 minutes. If available, a sterilizing solution may be used instead.

4. Use boiled water for the formula mixture.

5. Never leave the rubber nipples expose to flies. Cover them with a nipple cap or a clean piece of cloth when not in use.

6. Wash the feeding bottle and the rubber nipples immediately after use, so that they do not attract flies.

Special Credit to: Julio F. Silverio



1. Don’t flash bills or carry loose money in pocket.

2. Carry wallet in your inside coat pocket for men and bottom of purse for women.

3. Be suspicious of anyone who jostles you unnecessarily.

4. If you realize your pocket has just been picked, scream. Hook will usually drop wallet and run.

5. Remember, the pickpocket depends on your inattention for his success. Be wary of crowds.

6. Keep large quantities of cash in bank, don’t keep it on your person. Remember, the dip or hook will try to distract you while robbing you, covering up his own actions by reading a paper or book. Fairs, crowds, buses trams and subways are their stamping ground.

Special Credit to: Julio F. Silverio
