Saturday, January 21, 2012


1. When the frost in your freezer accumulates to1/4 inch thick, it’s time to defrost. Set the thermostat dial to off, then remove all frozen food.

2. Wrap in thick newspaper to keep them from thawing.

3. Fill some pans with hot water and place them in the freezer.

4. Do not use the ice trays. Hot water can damage their finish.

5. Do not try to chip off the ice with ice pick as you could puncture the coils. When all the frost has melted, clean the entire freezer with mild, sudsy water or solution of warm water or baking soda. Do not use the cleanser or any strong detergent.

6. Dry the interior thoroughly and re-start your refrigerator.

7. After defrosting, wash the refrigerator interior, including the freezer, with two following solutions: two table spoons of baking soda to one quart of warm water. This will clean as well as deodorize it.

8. Was all removable parts with warn sudsy water. Rinse and dry them thoroughly before replacing them.

9. Although most refs have an acid-resistant finish which does not stain easily, spilled food should be wiped out promptly so that only an occasional cleaning is needed.

10. Fresh food storage areas should be cleaned every two weeks or so.

11. Ref. exterior, on the other hand, should be occasionally wiped with a damp cloth.


Special Credit to: Julio F. Silverio

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